As a Neo-Ancient Hellenic polytheist, I'd say this is dead on

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As a Christian who studies Ancient Greek Literature and Myths for their degree, I am SO grateful for the insights from this post! Thank you for writing and sharing it.

Personally I believe that at the core of most any religion is something so very human - and that people tried to express it in the means they had. As I am surrounded by a lot of atheist friends, I cannot help to repeat what a priest ended a sermon with last Advent Season (conerning the uncertainties of life); "We do not know better. But we can hope better." And if faith brings me nothing but that it is I win, I believe.

Yet to turn past the teachings of my own religion, to understand other cultures and their morals, their ways of worship and how they explained the world... I believe it can make us so, so much more human. It can create a beautiful bond of connection.

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